Over 150,000 flood-affected people are living under the open sky.


In Burichang Upazila of Cumilla, over 150,000 people are now living under the open sky after the Gomti River embankment broke at Burburiya. Floodwaters continue to flow into local areas through the broken section.

People rescued from various locations are in despair, having lost everything. At least 60,000 people remain stranded. As of Friday afternoon, at least 35 villages in Burichang Upazila have been flooded.

Along with Burichang Upazila, parts of Adarsha Sadar Upazila, Brahmanpara, and Debidwar Upazila have also been affected. People have taken shelter in 35 relief centers in Burichang, but full-scale relief distribution has yet to begin. According to a report prepared at 10 AM today at the office of the Burichang Upazila Executive Officer, 60,000 families in 7 unions of the upazila have been affected by the flood, impacting a total of 170,000 people. People have taken refuge in 35 relief centers. Local sources have reported that the army has started rescue operations in several villages.

Many villages have been submerged after the Gomti River embankment broke. People are fleeing toward safe shelters with whatever belongings they can carry. This Friday, in Ichapura village of Burichang Upazila, Cumilla. Photo: Prothom Alo.

On-site visits to the breached area of the Gomti River embankment in Burburiya revealed that men, women, and children had taken shelter on the embankment itself as of late Thursday night. Some brought their livestock with them, while others left them on the roofs of buildings. Although various voluntary organizations are distributing dry food, there is a severe shortage of clean water and sanitation facilities.

Shahjahan Mia from Rajapur village said his fish farm was submerged in water, causing losses of 13 million takas. With tears in his eyes, Shahjahan mentioned that this money was a loan from the bank. Faisal Hossain from Bharasar village said all the fish in his pond had been washed away before his eyes.

Army personnel were seen conducting rescue operations in various villages in Burichang Upazila. Aklima Akhtar, a housewife from Gazipur area, said water had reached the roof of her house. She had rice last night, but by this afternoon, she had nothing but dry biscuits and water. Holding her seven-month-old child in her arms, Aklima was crying. Her husband, who works in Dhaka, is on his way home after hearing about the flood. They have no phone charge or network and cannot communicate with him.

Suman Mia from Kharataiya area said he managed to escape with his wife and children. The graves of his parents have been washed away. Pointing to the graves, Suman, crying bitterly, said that the Gomti River took away the last remaining traces of his home and his parents.

This afternoon, at least 10 new villages in Rajapur Union were flooded. In Bakshimul area, people were seen moving essential items out of their homes. Seventy-year-old Abdus Sattar, who lives in Mahishmara area, was rescued by a volunteer organization after seven hours. After reaching higher ground with his wife, he sighed and said he had never seen so much water in his life. He never imagined that someone would come through this floodwater to save him and his wife.

Residents of Burichang have tied up their livestock along the busy Shasangachha to Burichang road in Cumilla. Beyond Ichapura on this road, it is no longer possible to proceed. Vehicle movement has been halted. Everyone affected by the flood in Burichang Upazila is in need of food, medicine, and saline. Over 200,000 people are now anxiously waiting for relief to arrive.

Syed Arifur Rahman, Acting Officer of the Cumilla Meteorological Department, said there is still a chance of rain and thunderstorms in Cumilla. If it rains tonight, the flood victims will be in even greater distress.

Abdul Latif, Superintendent Engineer of the Cumilla Water Development Board, said that as of this afternoon, the Gomti River was still flowing above the danger level. The water level may return to normal within the next seven to eight hours.

Pankaj Barua, Additional Deputy Commissioner (General) of Cumilla, said, "We have started distributing relief in various upazilas of the district, including Burichang. The upazila administration is coordinating the rescue operations."

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